Ok, for all you readers out there,
I found the perfect music for my last post!
I hope you enjoy!
The thoughts and life of a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ramblings of a 28 year old Single Mormon Man
On the eve of the wedding of two really good friends I find myself reflecting on life. Life is most defiantly something that you least expect it to be. As I sit here, the last of my good friends from High School who is still single I can't help but think that in High School it was I who was thought to be the first one married. Now I have friends with two kids! I keep moving on to other single friends but they keep getting married. I guess the moral of this story is any guy that wants to get married should come be my friend and it'll happen. I've also had a good streak at dating girls who then immediately get married after dating me. This I've known about for some time now too so girls if you want to get married then come and date me :)
My second thought is that of time. What happens to it? I think to myself (cause everyone else is married) that there are 6 days in the week, leaving out Sunday as a "day of rest". Now most of us work so during 5 of those days we are at work but we have evenings. This is how my week goes most of the time...
Monday - FHE, there is some time left over here for example today I did my laundry!
Tuesday - Should be at the Family History Center since I'm over that committee, Institute is that night and now we are doing visits as a EQ presidency.
Wednesday - I claim this as my night to go ride my horse but usually have to plan HT here or other activities.
Thursday - Here we have ward visits which I should go to but we also have our EQ presidency meetings here too.
Friday - Date night, which usually turns into some sort of Ward Activity or group party or something else.
Saturday seems like it should be available to do what I want to right? But it never happens. Luckily since I have season tickets to the most Awesomeness College Football Team in the Nation, then I rearrange things to be free for these(although get in trouble cause I don't make it to all the parties).
Wow! So I apologize for this post but I think I'm just frustrated with dating and the such. It seems like I can never find a girl who likes me AND I like her. I've had many a girl express interest in me, i.e. the girl who told me if I asked her for a date she would say August after knowing each other for about two weeks! And I've liked a lot of girls but am always turned down nicely. I guess when both like each other then you get married so obviously it hasn't happened for me yet.
Anywho, though I would post cause I haven't in a really long time. But now at least you should sort of understand. Oh and the last thing is the EQ pres. just got engaged so I'm on the short list and really don't want to be. Oh well, I've got to seek the kingdom of God first and then...Jacob 2:18-19!
My second thought is that of time. What happens to it? I think to myself (cause everyone else is married) that there are 6 days in the week, leaving out Sunday as a "day of rest". Now most of us work so during 5 of those days we are at work but we have evenings. This is how my week goes most of the time...
Monday - FHE, there is some time left over here for example today I did my laundry!
Tuesday - Should be at the Family History Center since I'm over that committee, Institute is that night and now we are doing visits as a EQ presidency.
Wednesday - I claim this as my night to go ride my horse but usually have to plan HT here or other activities.
Thursday - Here we have ward visits which I should go to but we also have our EQ presidency meetings here too.
Friday - Date night, which usually turns into some sort of Ward Activity or group party or something else.
Saturday seems like it should be available to do what I want to right? But it never happens. Luckily since I have season tickets to the most Awesomeness College Football Team in the Nation, then I rearrange things to be free for these(although get in trouble cause I don't make it to all the parties).
Wow! So I apologize for this post but I think I'm just frustrated with dating and the such. It seems like I can never find a girl who likes me AND I like her. I've had many a girl express interest in me, i.e. the girl who told me if I asked her for a date she would say August after knowing each other for about two weeks! And I've liked a lot of girls but am always turned down nicely. I guess when both like each other then you get married so obviously it hasn't happened for me yet.
Anywho, though I would post cause I haven't in a really long time. But now at least you should sort of understand. Oh and the last thing is the EQ pres. just got engaged so I'm on the short list and really don't want to be. Oh well, I've got to seek the kingdom of God first and then...Jacob 2:18-19!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
District Horse Show
Wow! Where did July go?
Parents came home and are gone again...to Chicago this time.
Went to Bear Lake for a week for the Reunion...Awesome (pictures later maybe)
Got called as 1st councilor in the Elders Quorum...explains why I don't have any more time!
Anyway, I do want to post about the District horse show I was in Yesterday and Friday. It was a ton of fun! I've never been to a horse show let alone competed in one so it was a great experience.
My first event, and only one on Friday, was the Pony Express. The Pony Express is a relay where your horse is unsaddled and there is a saddle in a circle out in the arena. You must lead your horse to the circle, put the saddle on, ride around a barrel at the end of the arena and come back, take the saddle off and then lead your horse back across the starting line. There are five people on one team. It took our team just under 5 min. for all five of us to go. We totally smoked everyone! The bad news was that after all the events were over with then the people in charge talked it over and said we were disqualified. Them talking it over is illegal so we should have won, but we didn't protest because we moved on to Region just because there weren't enough teams to go. The other event that I helped with was the ribbon pull. This is a race to see who can pull a ribbon off of a steers back the fastest. I was running the chutes to let the cows out. Well you have to move the steers to the front of the chute to get them to come out right and to get them to the front you grab their tails and pull the tails forward, and this gets them to move forward. Well I went to grab one of them by the tail and little did I know it had just crapped all over its tail! It was nasty!
So Saturday morning came bright and early. I was up at 5 so we could get everything ready and get there on time. This is on the ride up, my sister-in-law was caught taking a little nap!
When we got there I was informed that I was in the Potato Race! I was just an alternate but someone dropped out so I was in. In the potato race there are two barrels, one on each side of the arena. One has 12 potatoes in it and the other is empty. You ride your horse to the first one and stab a potato with this lance you have in your hand, you then ride back to the second barrel and fling the potato back into the barrel and then cross the finish line and hand off the lance to the next person in line. Well I had never done this in a cowboy hat and my horse was being stupid so we missed the potato and had to go back to pick it up. Luckily we still placed forth which is good enough to move on to region!
The last event I did is called Wild Cow Milking! This was a ton of fun. The release a bunch of wild momma cows out into the arena. Then there are two guys on a team. The first one is on horseback and has to rope one of the cows. The second guy runs up and has to "mug" the cow, which basically means he has to manhandle the cow while the first guy comes and tries to milk the cow. He just has to get enough for a drop of milk to run out of the bottle. Well I was the mugger and my brother the roper/milker. It took us about a minute and a forty five seconds to rope the cow and then we got it mugged and milked in about ten, only to run down to the circle and before we could turn the bottle and dump out the milk the time had expired. Luckily only two teams actually posted a time so they are letting us move on to region! Oh and I should mention that our cow had horns about a foot and a half long, and she wanted to use them against me!
Overall the two days was a ton of fun! I invite everyone to come to Region on Aug. 22-23 in Logan to see me wrestle a huge milk cow that has never been milked before! We will also be competing in a club drill event where we will all be wearing the same matching outfit.
I should mention, that if you see a cowboy with his hat tipped down....it means he's looking for a fight!
And if you see a cowboy with his hat tipped up...then you've got a happy cowboy!
Parents came home and are gone again...to Chicago this time.
Went to Bear Lake for a week for the Reunion...Awesome (pictures later maybe)
Got called as 1st councilor in the Elders Quorum...explains why I don't have any more time!
Anyway, I do want to post about the District horse show I was in Yesterday and Friday. It was a ton of fun! I've never been to a horse show let alone competed in one so it was a great experience.

So Saturday morning came bright and early. I was up at 5 so we could get everything ready and get there on time. This is on the ride up, my sister-in-law was caught taking a little nap!
When we got there I was informed that I was in the Potato Race! I was just an alternate but someone dropped out so I was in. In the potato race there are two barrels, one on each side of the arena. One has 12 potatoes in it and the other is empty. You ride your horse to the first one and stab a potato with this lance you have in your hand, you then ride back to the second barrel and fling the potato back into the barrel and then cross the finish line and hand off the lance to the next person in line. Well I had never done this in a cowboy hat and my horse was being stupid so we missed the potato and had to go back to pick it up. Luckily we still placed forth which is good enough to move on to region!
The last event I did is called Wild Cow Milking! This was a ton of fun. The release a bunch of wild momma cows out into the arena. Then there are two guys on a team. The first one is on horseback and has to rope one of the cows. The second guy runs up and has to "mug" the cow, which basically means he has to manhandle the cow while the first guy comes and tries to milk the cow. He just has to get enough for a drop of milk to run out of the bottle. Well I was the mugger and my brother the roper/milker. It took us about a minute and a forty five seconds to rope the cow and then we got it mugged and milked in about ten, only to run down to the circle and before we could turn the bottle and dump out the milk the time had expired. Luckily only two teams actually posted a time so they are letting us move on to region! Oh and I should mention that our cow had horns about a foot and a half long, and she wanted to use them against me!
Overall the two days was a ton of fun! I invite everyone to come to Region on Aug. 22-23 in Logan to see me wrestle a huge milk cow that has never been milked before! We will also be competing in a club drill event where we will all be wearing the same matching outfit.
I should mention, that if you see a cowboy with his hat tipped down....it means he's looking for a fight!

Monday, June 30, 2008
7 Days
So seven days from right now, my parents will have returned from a year and a half mission! It feels like it's been about 8 months now but nope, try 18! It will be good to have them home but with it comes changes. It will be different living under my parent's roof again (yes I know I've been living in their house, but it's different). So who knows I might be ready to move out in a month or two.
I also have a new calling. I'm not at liberty to say what it is but if you come to my ward on Sunday than you might find out. I will miss my old calling. I loved serving as a Ward Clerk. I believe it is one of the best callings in the Church! Almost no other calling has a definitive end of what is required! Once all the paperwork is done then there is nothing more to do! I guess I brought this on myself though. I've been in this ward for almost two years now...the longest I've been in one ward since my home ward back before I was 18! Crazy!
Anyway these are my random thoughts on this last day of June, my last Monday night without parents in the same country, the last night I hopefully sleep without installing the AC unit from the basement!
I also have a new calling. I'm not at liberty to say what it is but if you come to my ward on Sunday than you might find out. I will miss my old calling. I loved serving as a Ward Clerk. I believe it is one of the best callings in the Church! Almost no other calling has a definitive end of what is required! Once all the paperwork is done then there is nothing more to do! I guess I brought this on myself though. I've been in this ward for almost two years now...the longest I've been in one ward since my home ward back before I was 18! Crazy!
Anyway these are my random thoughts on this last day of June, my last Monday night without parents in the same country, the last night I hopefully sleep without installing the AC unit from the basement!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
What would you do?
As some might know, my parents get home in a week and a half, July 7th to be exact. At that time I will be once again, living with my parents. So I have some options I could pursue. First is change nothing, stay living here and just keep on keeping on. Next I could purchase a place down south closer to work. Now comes the real questions, should I buy a motorcycle? This option would most likely be for living in Bountiful to save on gas money but could be for anything cause I've always wanted to have a motorcycle.
So here it is, your chance to have a word in what I should do.
*I reserve the right to not take any advice or follow the majority on any issue.
**By commenting you will be entered into a drawing for $1,000,000
***No actual money will be rewarded
So here it is, your chance to have a word in what I should do.
*I reserve the right to not take any advice or follow the majority on any issue.
**By commenting you will be entered into a drawing for $1,000,000
***No actual money will be rewarded
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Gain of money...Loss of time
So today I went to my brothers place in Farmington. We had spaghetti for dinner and then went outside to enjoy the nice afternoon. I decided to go pay my horse a visit. It had been over a week since I'd gone riding. I walked into the pasture and my horse saw me and walked right up to me. I petted him and looked him over for any scratches or wounds of any kind, and then walked back to the gate. He followed me over there and seemed to be saying, "Please let me out or stay for a while and do something with me!"
I couldn't resist. I grabbed his halter and lead and put it on. He nearly ran over to some flat ground, excited that someone was going to do something with him. After making sure he was thinking and wasn't going to do something stupid, I jumped on his back and rode bareback for awhile. Then I climbed off and started walking toward the gate. He followed, trying his best to show how good he was so I could stick around.
I felt horrible that I hadn't been riding or even coming over to see him. I realized I was stuck in the rat race! It sucks! There is a scale for most of us in life, on one side there is an excess of time, on the other is money. Unfortunately one cannot have both, or so it seems. I had been living favoring the time side and life was good. Now that I've shifted toward the money side I want to find a way to have both. Maybe it's greed, but I think of it as working smarter not harder. There has to be a way to make money work for you so you can enjoy time and still have money coming in. I'm not doing it now and it's driving me to figure out how to live the good life.
I'm open for suggestions!
I couldn't resist. I grabbed his halter and lead and put it on. He nearly ran over to some flat ground, excited that someone was going to do something with him. After making sure he was thinking and wasn't going to do something stupid, I jumped on his back and rode bareback for awhile. Then I climbed off and started walking toward the gate. He followed, trying his best to show how good he was so I could stick around.
I felt horrible that I hadn't been riding or even coming over to see him. I realized I was stuck in the rat race! It sucks! There is a scale for most of us in life, on one side there is an excess of time, on the other is money. Unfortunately one cannot have both, or so it seems. I had been living favoring the time side and life was good. Now that I've shifted toward the money side I want to find a way to have both. Maybe it's greed, but I think of it as working smarter not harder. There has to be a way to make money work for you so you can enjoy time and still have money coming in. I'm not doing it now and it's driving me to figure out how to live the good life.
I'm open for suggestions!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day Thoughts
On this memorial day, I'm grateful for all those who have fought and are fighting for our freedoms. I personally have two good friends serving. It worries me for their safety but I am eternally grateful that they, and all the other men and women of the military, are willing to risk their lives to protect my life, my freedoms and my home. So here's a shout out to Scott Lalliss and Justin Porter!
Because of these freedoms I enjoy, I have gotten a new job! I begin work tomorrow, May 26, 2008. Over one year since I've had a steady income. It will be difficult to go back to an 8 hour, 5 days a week job, but it will be really nice to have a good income, health and dental and a 401k. The company is called Smile Reminder. You can check them out at Smile Reminder. They are a company that works with doctor and dentist offices. They have software that they can send text messages and emails for reminders for appointments and birthdays and other advertisements. I will be customer support and training and technical support. They also have good room for advancement. I'm hoping to become the photoshop guy but I'll have to see.
My parents come home in about 6 weeks, July 7th. So now I'm trying to prepare the yard for their return. My problem has been that last year we let the yard go so it's a lot of work. I'm open to all volunteers or service projects. There's lots of weeding and trimming and fixing sprinklers and many many more things. My new job is a blessing but a curse when it comes to this work. Blessing cause I can pay for repairs and fertilizer and other supplies but now I have little time to work. Oh well I guess I'll have to do what most people do all the time.
I've been recruited to the Institute fireside committee. My friend Steph is in charge and asked me to help with the technical side of firesides. I've been to the Institute about 10 times so it will be interesting to go and learn the layout of the building. The committee members all seem to be cool. We will be working closely over the next year so it should be fun.
Well that's about it...if there is still anyone reading after this long post I thank you and hope you come back.
Because of these freedoms I enjoy, I have gotten a new job! I begin work tomorrow, May 26, 2008. Over one year since I've had a steady income. It will be difficult to go back to an 8 hour, 5 days a week job, but it will be really nice to have a good income, health and dental and a 401k. The company is called Smile Reminder. You can check them out at Smile Reminder. They are a company that works with doctor and dentist offices. They have software that they can send text messages and emails for reminders for appointments and birthdays and other advertisements. I will be customer support and training and technical support. They also have good room for advancement. I'm hoping to become the photoshop guy but I'll have to see.
My parents come home in about 6 weeks, July 7th. So now I'm trying to prepare the yard for their return. My problem has been that last year we let the yard go so it's a lot of work. I'm open to all volunteers or service projects. There's lots of weeding and trimming and fixing sprinklers and many many more things. My new job is a blessing but a curse when it comes to this work. Blessing cause I can pay for repairs and fertilizer and other supplies but now I have little time to work. Oh well I guess I'll have to do what most people do all the time.
I've been recruited to the Institute fireside committee. My friend Steph is in charge and asked me to help with the technical side of firesides. I've been to the Institute about 10 times so it will be interesting to go and learn the layout of the building. The committee members all seem to be cool. We will be working closely over the next year so it should be fun.
Well that's about it...if there is still anyone reading after this long post I thank you and hope you come back.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Ok I know that everyone else has music on their blog these days so it's about time I add my own! These are just a few of my favs. It changes with what kind of mood I'm in so I might add more later. Enjoy these for now!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
The Kitten rescue
Ok, here are the rescue pictures of those dang kitty cats! I could hear them but couldn't find them anywhere on the porch. I would walk outside and here a faint sound that I could swear was coming from the little roof overhang. And it seamed like they would meow louder when I would hit the roof. So I went to work...and got this!

When the board came off I could see something up there...

I got three of them but I think the mom was still moving the last one, either to or away from this spot.

I caged them up in an old bird cage my dad had for racing pigeons. It worked well, for a few days. I would feed them with a little bottle and some formula I bought at a store. Than one morning I came out to feed and the cage was on the ground and one kitty was missing! I figured that the cage had been tipped and the kitty climbed out of the little slats at the top, so I put the cage on the ground and covered it with a board. The next day I came out and the board was off and the cage was still flat but I was missing another kitty. The next day the last kitty was gone. Lost all three to the cat. Talk about dedication to your kitties! I've gone back to chasing the cats away even using my Taiwan hand gun on them (a Taiwan gun is not a real gun but rather a spring loaded pellet gun that we use to shoot each other with on P-day, nothing that would kill a cat). So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

When the board came off I could see something up there...

I got three of them but I think the mom was still moving the last one, either to or away from this spot.

I caged them up in an old bird cage my dad had for racing pigeons. It worked well, for a few days. I would feed them with a little bottle and some formula I bought at a store. Than one morning I came out to feed and the cage was on the ground and one kitty was missing! I figured that the cage had been tipped and the kitty climbed out of the little slats at the top, so I put the cage on the ground and covered it with a board. The next day I came out and the board was off and the cage was still flat but I was missing another kitty. The next day the last kitty was gone. Lost all three to the cat. Talk about dedication to your kitties! I've gone back to chasing the cats away even using my Taiwan hand gun on them (a Taiwan gun is not a real gun but rather a spring loaded pellet gun that we use to shoot each other with on P-day, nothing that would kill a cat). So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Horses and stuff
Ok, I know it's been quite a while since I've posted. I apologize! As for those who want to know about the kittens, they are gone. I found them in our attic and caged them and began feeding them. That lasted less then a week. The mom found them and then pulled them out one by one. Since then I haven't seen them. I want to post a picture of where I found them but it will have to wait.
The big news is my brother's neighbor is letting us use her pasture for the horses. We just had to build a fence and then keep it watered this summer. We finished the fence yesterday and let the horses go. They ran down and back a few times and one time, on the way back, my brothers horse looked back at the other two horses and forgot there was a fence and went most of the way through it before turning back. We laughed, it was funny!
Today we let them out again and when we came to get them at sunset we walked down 3/4 of the pasture and instead of running away from us they looked at us. We started smooching and my horse almost ran up to me. It was awesome. So we decided to climb up and ride back, bareback! It was much better than the last time I rode bareback. Last time Big Mac decided he had had enough of the outdoors and wanted back in his stall. So he jumped sideways and left me there. Luckily I hung on and dirt skied behind him until I regained my feet and proceeded to show him who was boss. Anyway, I'm still amazed that my horse would come to me when I smooched at him...maybe I should start smooching at women and see if they come over, that way I would know if they loved me like my horse loves me! :) Ok, maybe not.
That's about it. I'm going to try to post some pictures another day, but I'm going to Bear Lake tomorrow and we leave early so I've got to get to bed.
Thanks for reading!
The big news is my brother's neighbor is letting us use her pasture for the horses. We just had to build a fence and then keep it watered this summer. We finished the fence yesterday and let the horses go. They ran down and back a few times and one time, on the way back, my brothers horse looked back at the other two horses and forgot there was a fence and went most of the way through it before turning back. We laughed, it was funny!
Today we let them out again and when we came to get them at sunset we walked down 3/4 of the pasture and instead of running away from us they looked at us. We started smooching and my horse almost ran up to me. It was awesome. So we decided to climb up and ride back, bareback! It was much better than the last time I rode bareback. Last time Big Mac decided he had had enough of the outdoors and wanted back in his stall. So he jumped sideways and left me there. Luckily I hung on and dirt skied behind him until I regained my feet and proceeded to show him who was boss. Anyway, I'm still amazed that my horse would come to me when I smooched at him...maybe I should start smooching at women and see if they come over, that way I would know if they loved me like my horse loves me! :) Ok, maybe not.
That's about it. I'm going to try to post some pictures another day, but I'm going to Bear Lake tomorrow and we leave early so I've got to get to bed.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Ok first I just have to say that after my last post all of those forwards were replaced with a note from Facebook saying that they could contain harmful things. Anyway on to the good stuff.
Over the winter we have noticed a couple of cats hanging around our place. Usually on the back porch and in the carport. So we would chase them off, we being more of a dog family than a cat family. Today I was outside and I hear a faint meowing from somewhere. I try to get my bearings on the sound and it stops. I start meowing and get a response back. Slowly I find the meowing coming from some bee boxes that we have stacked on the back patio. Thinking of a recent story of a cat falling between the wall and sliding down to the basement I go to explore...

I move the box of the top and can hear a louder more audible meow so I take a look inside...

Four little kittens at the bottom of the stack of bee boxes! So I did what any curious boy would do...I picked them up and set them in the grass so they could enjoy the sunshine!

So the question of the day is what should I do with these four little guys? I've never been a cat guy, I have always loved dogs so I don't know much about them. I did read that you can train a cat to use the toilet, which would be awesome to train a cat just for the amusement of watching a cat jump up on a toilet and do his business. Anyway, if you are a cat lover and want one let me know. Also let me know what you think about me keeping one. Here are some closeups of each one. Enjoy!

Over the winter we have noticed a couple of cats hanging around our place. Usually on the back porch and in the carport. So we would chase them off, we being more of a dog family than a cat family. Today I was outside and I hear a faint meowing from somewhere. I try to get my bearings on the sound and it stops. I start meowing and get a response back. Slowly I find the meowing coming from some bee boxes that we have stacked on the back patio. Thinking of a recent story of a cat falling between the wall and sliding down to the basement I go to explore...

I move the box of the top and can hear a louder more audible meow so I take a look inside...

Four little kittens at the bottom of the stack of bee boxes! So I did what any curious boy would do...I picked them up and set them in the grass so they could enjoy the sunshine!

So the question of the day is what should I do with these four little guys? I've never been a cat guy, I have always loved dogs so I don't know much about them. I did read that you can train a cat to use the toilet, which would be awesome to train a cat just for the amusement of watching a cat jump up on a toilet and do his business. Anyway, if you are a cat lover and want one let me know. Also let me know what you think about me keeping one. Here are some closeups of each one. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
OK so maybe I'm just sick of getting all the "fun wall" posts from people but I have to comment on this. I have received so many stupid posts that go something like this:
" hit forward and then you can see who looks at your profile the most..."
Now maybe you wouldn't notice this right of the bat but before this statement said that to view the person who views your profile the most you need to hit Alt + F4. For anyone that doesn't know what Alt F4 does I suggest you open a random window, any old window, maybe another internet window or a Word document or something. It really doesn't matter because Alt F4 does one thing and one thing only in a Windows operating system...it closes the window that is open. Thus if you don't have a pop-up blocker and suddenly get a ton of windows opening up than you can counter that by repeatedly hitting Alt and F4 at the same time. Other uses is you are too lazy to click on the red "X" in the top right corner. There are many useful uses for this function. One of the many useful functions is NOT, I repeat NOT to tell you who views your profile the most!
I don't really understand the appeal of this in the first place. I do not care who looks at my profile! If I did than I would make it so you can't see it unless I specifically allow you to. The only reason I could think of is Diffidence, or if you haven't looked this up yet, a lack of self-confidence. I don't know, maybe it is different for girls to see what guy is interested in them and always checking you out? Perhaps but I for one do not care! You can look all you want, and please comment and leave a little note. I know who my friends are by their posts on my wall or comments on my blog. The rest of you I hope you have enjoyed looking at my life.
Sorry if this was a rant, but I really don't like little things on facebook, like the idea to forward stuff on, or invite everyone to become a part of a group cause I made a bet that I could get "X" amount of people to join.
Also I did not mean to offend so I'm sorry if you love doing these things, just don't include me on your forwards, Thank you.
" hit forward and then you can see who looks at your profile the most..."
Now maybe you wouldn't notice this right of the bat but before this statement said that to view the person who views your profile the most you need to hit Alt + F4. For anyone that doesn't know what Alt F4 does I suggest you open a random window, any old window, maybe another internet window or a Word document or something. It really doesn't matter because Alt F4 does one thing and one thing only in a Windows operating system...it closes the window that is open. Thus if you don't have a pop-up blocker and suddenly get a ton of windows opening up than you can counter that by repeatedly hitting Alt and F4 at the same time. Other uses is you are too lazy to click on the red "X" in the top right corner. There are many useful uses for this function. One of the many useful functions is NOT, I repeat NOT to tell you who views your profile the most!
I don't really understand the appeal of this in the first place. I do not care who looks at my profile! If I did than I would make it so you can't see it unless I specifically allow you to. The only reason I could think of is Diffidence, or if you haven't looked this up yet, a lack of self-confidence. I don't know, maybe it is different for girls to see what guy is interested in them and always checking you out? Perhaps but I for one do not care! You can look all you want, and please comment and leave a little note. I know who my friends are by their posts on my wall or comments on my blog. The rest of you I hope you have enjoyed looking at my life.
Sorry if this was a rant, but I really don't like little things on facebook, like the idea to forward stuff on, or invite everyone to become a part of a group cause I made a bet that I could get "X" amount of people to join.
Also I did not mean to offend so I'm sorry if you love doing these things, just don't include me on your forwards, Thank you.
Monday, March 03, 2008
My dive into the Woman's recherche psyche!
Ok, Now that I've word of the day I can explain. This last week I've had a dive into the complexities which is known as the woman's psyche. How you may ask...it all started on Saturday, February 23, 2008. I was feeding the horses over at my brothers house and came in after the morning feeding. My niece was there and she was reading The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. I had heard of these books and the odd attraction women had to it. Most of the girls I knew had read them got sucked in and finished all three in about as many days. As my niece was on the second book and the first book was sitting on the table I thought that I could sit down and read a few chapters to see what all the fuss was about.

It was a romance novel in pretty much every sense of word. It was bearable though knowing that it had to get interesting because there are vampires involved. So I read on. Now I might loose some readers by giving my review of the book so if you are a huge fan than don't read on. It took about 350 pages before it got interesting. Up until that point the book was an easy read. Very well written but not much in the grasping department. I also found the way that Edward treated Bella very two faced. One moment he was rude and distracted and the next he was sweet and loving. But even when he was in a good mood than he still seemed to be mocking her and treating her lightly, always laughing at her when she was trying to be serious. All in all though it was a decent book. By nightfall I was almost finished and we had to make a run to Walmart so she could buy the third book so I could read the second. I finished in the morning and started the second.

The second book I was disillusioned by Bella. I was deeply disturbed by the way she acted after he so flippantly left her. I guess I just don't understand women (I know big shocker right!) The second book never really caught my interest but I read till the end. Sure there are a few pages toward the end that are intriguing but all and all it was not my kind of book. I love the way she rights and it's easy to read and get a very visual picture but I could not make myself read through the 300+ pages of the romance parts to get to the 100 or so pages of adventure.
My next experience came this last weekend. On Friday February 29, 2008 I drove up to Idaho Falls to help run sound for a Time Out for Women.

This was an amazing event. Even though the talks were geared towards women I still found little nuggets of truth that have changed me. It was also really fun to work with some talented LDS musicians. I have always been a fan of Jenny Oaks Baker and it was a pleasure to work with her and hear her play live. Kenneth Cope wasn't bad either, and the new group Mercy River was good, and it features a girl that I graduated high school with. All in all it made me realize that women have harder problems than I'll ever have. It also makes me want to be a better man so that when the day comes that one women will allow me to marry her than I will be the envy of the salons, Relief Society and noon hour restaurants :)

It was a romance novel in pretty much every sense of word. It was bearable though knowing that it had to get interesting because there are vampires involved. So I read on. Now I might loose some readers by giving my review of the book so if you are a huge fan than don't read on. It took about 350 pages before it got interesting. Up until that point the book was an easy read. Very well written but not much in the grasping department. I also found the way that Edward treated Bella very two faced. One moment he was rude and distracted and the next he was sweet and loving. But even when he was in a good mood than he still seemed to be mocking her and treating her lightly, always laughing at her when she was trying to be serious. All in all though it was a decent book. By nightfall I was almost finished and we had to make a run to Walmart so she could buy the third book so I could read the second. I finished in the morning and started the second.

The second book I was disillusioned by Bella. I was deeply disturbed by the way she acted after he so flippantly left her. I guess I just don't understand women (I know big shocker right!) The second book never really caught my interest but I read till the end. Sure there are a few pages toward the end that are intriguing but all and all it was not my kind of book. I love the way she rights and it's easy to read and get a very visual picture but I could not make myself read through the 300+ pages of the romance parts to get to the 100 or so pages of adventure.
My next experience came this last weekend. On Friday February 29, 2008 I drove up to Idaho Falls to help run sound for a Time Out for Women.

This was an amazing event. Even though the talks were geared towards women I still found little nuggets of truth that have changed me. It was also really fun to work with some talented LDS musicians. I have always been a fan of Jenny Oaks Baker and it was a pleasure to work with her and hear her play live. Kenneth Cope wasn't bad either, and the new group Mercy River was good, and it features a girl that I graduated high school with. All in all it made me realize that women have harder problems than I'll ever have. It also makes me want to be a better man so that when the day comes that one women will allow me to marry her than I will be the envy of the salons, Relief Society and noon hour restaurants :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
It's fun winning!
Hurray for winning basketball games!!!
Last night my league basketball team won its second game of the season! The first one I was on tour. It makes us like 2-8 but we are starting to play better and everyone makes the playoffs so it's all good still. I scored 14 points out of 60 with two clutch free throws toward the end of the game. I also had this sweet fake drop step little baby hook with about three minutes to play! It was probably the sweetest move I've ever done!
Last night my league basketball team won its second game of the season! The first one I was on tour. It makes us like 2-8 but we are starting to play better and everyone makes the playoffs so it's all good still. I scored 14 points out of 60 with two clutch free throws toward the end of the game. I also had this sweet fake drop step little baby hook with about three minutes to play! It was probably the sweetest move I've ever done!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
So I was thinking today and the thought came to me that I should set a goal to not watch TV for a week or something like that. It was a strange thought but really I think I waste a lot of time that I could use doing something productive instead. So I figure that I can start half way through this month and make it to the end of February watching no TV. Starting on SAD (Singles Awareness Day) I will not be watching TV. I reserve the right to watch movies and DVD's of horse training shows. It's probably just a dumb idea but what can it hurt!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Welcome to a new year!!! I know I should have posted my resolutions a few weeks ago but at last I have not. I actually gave a talk in Church the last week in 2007 about resolutions and goal setting that was really good(or at least I thought so) I was going to post the talk because it gave some good goal setting techniques. The gist of it was the acronym "SMART": S-Specific; M-Measurable; A-Action Oriented(and Accountability); R-Realistic; T-Time and Resource Constrained.
I also talked about writing them down and then went on to talk about ways we can strengthen our testimonies during the new year based largely on a New Era article in the Question Answer section of the December issue. Some of the things were: Truly commit to study and ponder the scriptures, Make sure you are worthy to have the Holy Ghost with you at all times, Make sure you repent humbly even for little sins, Think about what your testimony is based on, and Bear your testimony often. It's actually a good little guide for goals. It was based on a talk by Elder Wirthlin in the 1992 Ensign called "Spiritual Bonfires of Testimony" which a highly recommend!
Ok now what I'm sure you all have been waiting for...my New Years Resolutions!!!
1. Work out at least three times a week
a. Be able to Bench my weight at least 10 times by July (I currently bench 130)
b. Be able to run a mile under 7 minutes
c. Regain the six pack I use to own
2. Read from the Scriptures Daily
3. Read at least one book a month(if you have good ones to recommend I'm listening, I've also joined Shelfari so you can see what I'm reading or what I have read, viewable to the right)
4. Buy a duplex or other multi-unit rental property by July
5. Work on my procrastinating bad habit!
So there you have it, you can pester me about these until I complete them. I've set some for half the year so perhaps I'll make more goals for the last half around my B-day.
Thanks for reading!!!
I also talked about writing them down and then went on to talk about ways we can strengthen our testimonies during the new year based largely on a New Era article in the Question Answer section of the December issue. Some of the things were: Truly commit to study and ponder the scriptures, Make sure you are worthy to have the Holy Ghost with you at all times, Make sure you repent humbly even for little sins, Think about what your testimony is based on, and Bear your testimony often. It's actually a good little guide for goals. It was based on a talk by Elder Wirthlin in the 1992 Ensign called "Spiritual Bonfires of Testimony" which a highly recommend!
Ok now what I'm sure you all have been waiting for...my New Years Resolutions!!!
1. Work out at least three times a week
a. Be able to Bench my weight at least 10 times by July (I currently bench 130)
b. Be able to run a mile under 7 minutes
c. Regain the six pack I use to own
2. Read from the Scriptures Daily
3. Read at least one book a month(if you have good ones to recommend I'm listening, I've also joined Shelfari so you can see what I'm reading or what I have read, viewable to the right)
4. Buy a duplex or other multi-unit rental property by July
5. Work on my procrastinating bad habit!
So there you have it, you can pester me about these until I complete them. I've set some for half the year so perhaps I'll make more goals for the last half around my B-day.
Thanks for reading!!!
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