Monday, March 03, 2008

My dive into the Woman's recherche psyche!

Ok, Now that I've word of the day I can explain. This last week I've had a dive into the complexities which is known as the woman's psyche. How you may all started on Saturday, February 23, 2008. I was feeding the horses over at my brothers house and came in after the morning feeding. My niece was there and she was reading The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. I had heard of these books and the odd attraction women had to it. Most of the girls I knew had read them got sucked in and finished all three in about as many days. As my niece was on the second book and the first book was sitting on the table I thought that I could sit down and read a few chapters to see what all the fuss was about.

It was a romance novel in pretty much every sense of word. It was bearable though knowing that it had to get interesting because there are vampires involved. So I read on. Now I might loose some readers by giving my review of the book so if you are a huge fan than don't read on. It took about 350 pages before it got interesting. Up until that point the book was an easy read. Very well written but not much in the grasping department. I also found the way that Edward treated Bella very two faced. One moment he was rude and distracted and the next he was sweet and loving. But even when he was in a good mood than he still seemed to be mocking her and treating her lightly, always laughing at her when she was trying to be serious. All in all though it was a decent book. By nightfall I was almost finished and we had to make a run to Walmart so she could buy the third book so I could read the second. I finished in the morning and started the second.

The second book I was disillusioned by Bella. I was deeply disturbed by the way she acted after he so flippantly left her. I guess I just don't understand women (I know big shocker right!) The second book never really caught my interest but I read till the end. Sure there are a few pages toward the end that are intriguing but all and all it was not my kind of book. I love the way she rights and it's easy to read and get a very visual picture but I could not make myself read through the 300+ pages of the romance parts to get to the 100 or so pages of adventure.

My next experience came this last weekend. On Friday February 29, 2008 I drove up to Idaho Falls to help run sound for a Time Out for Women.

This was an amazing event. Even though the talks were geared towards women I still found little nuggets of truth that have changed me. It was also really fun to work with some talented LDS musicians. I have always been a fan of Jenny Oaks Baker and it was a pleasure to work with her and hear her play live. Kenneth Cope wasn't bad either, and the new group Mercy River was good, and it features a girl that I graduated high school with. All in all it made me realize that women have harder problems than I'll ever have. It also makes me want to be a better man so that when the day comes that one women will allow me to marry her than I will be the envy of the salons, Relief Society and noon hour restaurants :)


Anonymous said...

So, are you going to read book three in the series or what? Just had to comment so you would know that yes, I am still lurking around your web site......MLS

Annie said...

So, did you read book three? Are you now obsessed like the rest of us... mwa hahaha!

Holly said...

Ya, not a big fan of those books. Maybe I don't get women either, because Bella drove me crazy! (Sorry fans of the book, don't hate me!)

Anonymous said...

May I just say, yea for a man willing to try and see it from the other side. Good for you!