Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Kitten rescue

Ok, here are the rescue pictures of those dang kitty cats! I could hear them but couldn't find them anywhere on the porch. I would walk outside and here a faint sound that I could swear was coming from the little roof overhang. And it seamed like they would meow louder when I would hit the roof. So I went to work...and got this!

When the board came off I could see something up there...

I got three of them but I think the mom was still moving the last one, either to or away from this spot.

I caged them up in an old bird cage my dad had for racing pigeons. It worked well, for a few days. I would feed them with a little bottle and some formula I bought at a store. Than one morning I came out to feed and the cage was on the ground and one kitty was missing! I figured that the cage had been tipped and the kitty climbed out of the little slats at the top, so I put the cage on the ground and covered it with a board. The next day I came out and the board was off and the cage was still flat but I was missing another kitty. The next day the last kitty was gone. Lost all three to the cat. Talk about dedication to your kitties! I've gone back to chasing the cats away even using my Taiwan hand gun on them (a Taiwan gun is not a real gun but rather a spring loaded pellet gun that we use to shoot each other with on P-day, nothing that would kill a cat). So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

1 comment:

TheScotticus said...

Remember the ducks? Maybe the mother duck actually came and stole them from Brit's backyard...