While I was looking for my registration he noticed that my window had a crack on the bottom half of the windshield. I knew about this one but figured since I still have 6 months till my safety and emissions that I would be ok, plus the only part that was being blocked from my view was the hood of my car. Well guess what happened. I got a ticket. Not a regular one that you can pay online and be done with but a "Fix-it Ticket".
Now for those of us who have never got a Fix-it Ticket this is what it entails...
First you have to fix the problem. For me, a new windshield and a few light bulbs in the back. That's the easy part. Next you have to find a police officer and have him check to make sure everything is fixed. This is a little harder since most of us work during the same hours that the police station is open. If you can find an officer to sign off your next task is to take the signed ticket to court to present it to the Judge. If you didn't happen to find a cop without taking any PTO then forget going to court without taking any! See the Court is only open Monday through Thursday from 9-3. 9-3? Way to make this convenient guys! On top of that, you have to sign in between 7:45 and 8:30 otherwise you don't make the schedule that day. Oh and I forgot to mention that you only have 5-14 days to take care of all this! If you happen to make it this far the Judge in his infinite wisdom "may" choose to reduce your fine. May? That means for me, being a white male in the prime of life, I will be paying full price of my ticket plus had to pay for a new windshield and some bulbs, plus take time off to go sit in court! And if I don't make it in 14 days, you might ask? They issue a warrant and fine you the full amount. Way to make it easy on the working man!
On a more positive note...Camping was great! A week long of horse back ridding and no work is amazing! The horses are all about 1000 times better then they were last week!
Until next time!
That is really dumb. Real dumb. For reals.
What do you do with the horse backs when you are done "Ridding" them?
Never thought how much that sucks. I got a fix-it ticket for my lights in NSL and it was way easier. They had a cop at the courthouse and he looked at it and took care of it. I didn't even have to go inside. Did have to wait like 10 minutes for him to finish his doughnut though.
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