Monday, June 30, 2008

7 Days

So seven days from right now, my parents will have returned from a year and a half mission! It feels like it's been about 8 months now but nope, try 18! It will be good to have them home but with it comes changes. It will be different living under my parent's roof again (yes I know I've been living in their house, but it's different). So who knows I might be ready to move out in a month or two.

I also have a new calling. I'm not at liberty to say what it is but if you come to my ward on Sunday than you might find out. I will miss my old calling. I loved serving as a Ward Clerk. I believe it is one of the best callings in the Church! Almost no other calling has a definitive end of what is required! Once all the paperwork is done then there is nothing more to do! I guess I brought this on myself though. I've been in this ward for almost two years now...the longest I've been in one ward since my home ward back before I was 18! Crazy!

Anyway these are my random thoughts on this last day of June, my last Monday night without parents in the same country, the last night I hopefully sleep without installing the AC unit from the basement!

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