Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ok, I'm behind again! I've started a temp job doing filing work. It's alright but not what I want to be doing for the rest of my life! I'm doing this now so I can tour with the Young Ambassadors in May. I think it's a good trade-off. Anyway, about a month and a half ago I did some hiking with my friend Mindy. We hiked a fun little trail that was very difficult (I was quite sore the next day) that ended at a beautiful lake. It was a great hike, great day and great memories for later. This was back before I shaved - I miss having a beard but now I can't grow one for another month. So here's the pics! Later!


Jason Graham said...

You should marry that girl instead of going to China. Or better yet, marry her and take her to China. It was cool to see you tonight. I think its funny how I cannot NOT troubleshoot. I'm a freakin wierdo.

N.F. said...

That picture of the lake and mountain is gorgeous!