Monday, August 30, 2010

Google Voice

So today I decided I would try out Google Voice. It's pretty cool so far. You can give out your number to anyone and then you can edit which phone you want it to go to. For me that's not the cool part seeing as I only have a cell phone. But it is cool that you can designate if you want to have that contact go to voicemail, and customize what the voicemail says or have it come through. I've always struggled with this cause I want a funny voicemail for friends and family but I've had professionalism inculcated into my head by John Shurtleff, so I have to have a professional sounding voicemail in case someone calls me for business.
Anyway, If you want to call me up on Google Voice, send me a text or something and I'll give you my number. Oh that's pretty cool can text with your Google voice number too!

I'm going to try a new post format of short quick but more often posts. Let me know if you like or if you just want big long posts every three or four months! :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Funny Shirt

So I saw this shirt at the store and was sorely tempted to buy it...I resisted.