In other news, yet another girl that I dated has gotten engaged within a few short months of us breaking up! I'm not marketing myself...YET! It's weird how getting the news barely effects me now. The first time it happened was a big shocker but now it's like I almost expect it.
My job is going great! I was promoted to the team lead back at the beginning of the year and things haven't quited down since. My company has a very bright future and will more then likely double and maybe triple this year! If only I could say that me being team lead had something to do with it. We will be moving to a new building in a few short months! I'm super excited about the new space!
I'm currently listening to a book on my drives home. It's called "Switch!! How to change things when change is hard" I highly recommend it! It talks about so many things that's applicable to personal growth and also how to help others change! If you are a manager of some kind or want to be then I would definitely recommend it! It makes me excited about my drive home again and it's why I'm writing today!
Anyway, Hope all is well for everyone! Talk at you later!